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E-waste and Its 5 Shocking Environmental Impacts

E-Waste, also denoted as electronic waste, is the name for electronic products that have come towards the end of their life. These E-Wastes may include computers, laptops, monitors, televisions, stereos, copiers, printers, fax machines, cell phones, DVD players, cameras, batteries, as well as many more electronic devices.

These used electronic devices can be resold, reused, salvaged or else disposed. E-Waste has a horrifying effect on environment and it is important to give your e-waste to an E-waste Recycling company in Chennai.

What is E-Waste?

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It is a term for electronic products that are unwanted, inoperable, or else obsolete and have reached the end of their life. Since the technology is moving at such a high speed, many electronics devices, unfortunately, become waste after several years of use. Products that fall into the category of e-waste are computers, IT waste, televisions, monitors, mobile phones, PDAs, VCRs, CD Players, fax machine, printers, and so on.

Environmental Impacts of E-Waste

At this time the effects of indecent e-waste disposal are not well known. However, e-waste impacts have very real global impacts on the earth’s air, water and soil.

The Air Pollution impact of E-Waste

Burning E-Waste can be used as a removal process but can also be a way to get to valuable metals such as copper. The dilemma with this is that burning can also release pollutants into the air. For example, when computer monitors and other electronics are burned, they create cancer producing dioxins that are then release into the air. And yes that’s the same air that we breathe.

The Impact of E-Waste on Water

Remember those contaminants we revealed before? Some of those are heavy metals- lead, barium, and also lithium. When these heavy metals are improperly handled or else disposed of via landfill, they can leak into the soil and eventually the ground water. Picture the groundwater as the primary domino waiting to fall. These heavy metals make their way from the ground water into streams then lakes, ponds, lakes, as well as rivers. These heavy metals make the water tables toxic as well as unusable for the communities, animals, and plants that rely on them.

The Impact of e-waste on soil

Though soil is the pathway on which heavy metals discover, it does not go unaffected by these harmful contaminants. E-Waste has anextremelypessimistic impact on the soil-crop-food pathway. It is exactly as it sounds- crops grow in the soil and food comes from the crops. When the soil is contaminated by heavy metals obtained from E-Waste the crops, and the food they provide, are also contaminated. This cause numerous of the illness mentioned above as well as restricts viable farmland for clean food production.

Solution to save environment from E-Waste’s Impact

E-Waste recycling is the key solution to save earth from the harmful impact of E-Wastes. Recycling of E-wastes enables reusing of electronic equipments. If you have been searching for the best E-Waste management company in Chennai, consider hiring Virogreen India Pvt Ltd.

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